Albert Wijaya is consultant (in Labour Market and Employment) with sub-expertise in; Social Dialogue, Industrial Relation. He also manages the EU Framework activities within Nehem.
He holds a Bachelor of Economics from InHolland University Haarlem.
Albert has over 8 years’ experience in Project Management in International Development Aid Sector and has been working as consultant in several projects. Services provided include:
- Industrial Relation – Social Dialogue; Initiation and development of Bi-/ Tri-partite cooperation.
- Project or Programme Design and Implementation, Policy analysis and reform, institutional and capacity building and EU logical framework.
- Project management – Project planning development, results – activities oriented, EU PRAG, Project reporting (both narrative and financial).
Donor experience: EU (Tender, FWC), ILO, Dutch Bilateral.
Geography experience: Indonesia, Moldova.
His current project is: Indonesia – TA for Development of Multi Company Collective Labour Agreement in West Java. He was involved in the programme development and is a member of the project team.