References Management Training & Consulting

A view examples of Management Training & Consulting we have provided are listed underneath:

Training at the Belarusian state enterprise Atlant. Atlant is a company with 4.500 employees producing refrigerators and washing machines. The training was given during one year to fourty top managers of Atlant in Strategy, Organisation Development, Marketing, Human Resource Management and Motivation Techniques.

(Atlant, 2014)

Santa Bremor is a Belarusian private enterprise with 4.800 employees producing and processing seafood products. Nehem trained the marketing department of this company. This training contained a customized sales presentation course.

(Santa Bremor, 2014)

Nehem International has provided training and consulting in strategy and organisation development for the Belarusian private enterprise Longavi. Longavi is specialised in licensing and administrative services for the construction sector.

(Longavi: 2014)

Training and Consulting for the Belarusian private company Shorets. Shorets is a training company situated in Belarus. Nehem provided training and consulting in strategy and organisation development.

(Shorets, 2014)

Strategy and organisation development training for SME managers in Belarus. These training sessions took place in courses where different companies participated. Among the participating companies are for example a marketing company, a chocolate import company and an enterprise active in the advertising industry.

(2013 – 2014)

Nehem International provided an extended training course for SME service providers including banks, Chamber of Commerce, venture capital funds, governmental institutes, etc. The three weeks training course was focused on SME policy, strategy, organization, marketing and finance. The training was organized in cooperation with the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation.

(Oman Ministry of Commerce & Industry, 2013)

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